Spring Redfish In the Topsail Island Area

Spring Redfishing in the topsail Island area can be a special time of year. On the coast of NC, and Topsail island in particular, redfish are in, what is called a transition period. During this time redfish are moving out of a winter time pattern and are starting to stretch their legs a little more, as they find new areas outside of where they have spent their winter.

Although these Topsail Island redfish are starting to change their pattern, there is one thing that stays the same through out the spring and that is that these redfish stay schooled up until mid late spring. Redfish schools in the topsail Island area can be found in schools ranging from 50 fish in a school to 500 fish in a school all winter long and right into spring time.

The major difference between winter time redfish and spring time redfish in the Topsail Island area is that in the spring these fish become mobile and happy. When fish become mobile and less predictable, it can be difficult to stay consistent, but when you find these mobile redfish they will typically be happy and hungry. With all of these factors being considered Spring can be among the best time to experience everything Topsail Island redfish have to offer.


Topsail Island Variety